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Carniny Primary School, 61 Old Cullybackey Road, Ballymena

P1LK I’ll blow your house down!

3rd Oct 2024

Connecting with our topic of “The Three Little Pigs”,  this afternoon P1 were investigating different materials to build houses. We collected paper, bricks, straws and spaghetti and predicted which material would be the strongest and what would happen if the wolf huffed and puffed at each one! Each table created a house with a different material. Lots of problem-solving, communication, team-work and questioning took place to create a structure together. 

When our houses were built we tested out each one by using a fan to act as ‘The Big Bad Wolf’. It was so exciting to watch and observe to see what would happen. We found out that bricks were the strongest material and that paper was the weakest! 

It was so much fun becoming Scientists for the afternoon and to develop new skills such as predicting! 🧱👩‍🔬