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2019/2020 School Year
25th Feb 2020
Congratulations to the following people for achieving 'Word Millionaire' status;...
24th Feb 2020
We have been learning about Cold Land this term. Have a look at some of the activities...
24th Feb 2020
As a school we are always focused on the safety of our children. Particularly when...
14th Feb 2020
Primary 1 have worked so hard at home creating junk art items related to our topic...
12th Feb 2020
Primary 1 had a brilliant time at St Comcille’s revisiting the topic, ‘People...
11th Feb 2020
We have been very busy this term in numeracy. Watch the video to see what we have...
- All
- Accelerated Reader
- Carniny Carers
- Class and School Councils
- ECO Committee
- High Flyers
- House Points
- Music
- P1 Mrs Kennedy
- P1/2 Mrs Scott
- P2 Miss Crawford
- P3 Mrs Armstrong
- P4 Mrs Armstrong
- P4/5 Mrs Badger
- P5 Mr Calwell
- P6 Mr McCullough
- P6/7 Mr Church
- P7 Mr Fisher
- School Holidays
- Shared Education
- Sounds Write Information
- Sport
- Virtual Open Day
- Why Carniny?
Carniny Primary School, 61 Old Cullybackey Road, Ballymena Co. Antrim BT43 5JR Email: info@carninyps.ballymena.ni.sch.uk | Phone: 028 25643814